
Hey everyone, just thought I would share a few words with all of you this fine Saturday morning.  Had a great time last night entertaining a small dinner party here at the house.  Great friends, great grub and grog as well.  Had two most wonderful people join us (Carol Lemon and Phil Gaha).   They are two of the most finest people who are in my life.

We grilled some awesome NY strips along with grilled corn on the cobb and of course, “Bob’s baked beans.”  You can find the recipe for them on my home page under the tab labeled, “Awesome Cooking.”  Even thought that page is still under construction, the recipe is there.  When opening it, you might have to open an application such as word to get the recipe.  The grog was a mix of beer, rum and scotch from Japan.

It’s good to have great friends around you as their friendship warms the heart in many ways.  It reminds you that you need to slow down sometimes and just enjoy the moment with those who you care about.

So today is just one of those days where I have 5,000 things to do and I’ll be lucky if any single once gets accomplished.  The pictures below you tell most of the story.  Life is good, but life is also short.  Some people would argue that life isn’t short because we all know that 60,70, or even 80 years takes a long time to happen, but lo and behold, one day you wake up and realize you are there.  And what do you have left?  Memories that you made across the decades with those friends and loved ones.  Friday night guests who flew across the country for business and decided to spend an evening with you and your family.

That’s why those moments are so important.  They provide us with joy and laughter.  The memories are what keeps us young.  I was reading some advice from someone who is extremely successful in life and one piece of advice he gave aside from, “have fun” was to “get out there and do things.”  Push yourself outside of your bubble of comfort, you won’t regret it.

So with that I kindly say to my friends – Thank you.  And to my family – Thank you.

Thank you for helping me to create such awesome memories so that when the day comes and I open my 75-year-old eyes and I am trying to figure out what made life so great, I can remember the great memories we made.

I hope you all take and apply and share my advice about keeping family and friends near and dear to your heart.  They will bring more happiness to your life and will help you build wonderful memories.  Happy Lazy Saturday to all of my friends and family out there.


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